Sunday, October 25, 2020

Precure All Stars New Stage/New Stage 2: Cure Echo S.H. Figuart Review

Cure Echo


Front -> Back -> Right -> Left -> Top -> (Bonus) Bubble Wrap

    Echo's packaging is basically the Smile packaging, but it looks absolutely adorable. The color palette and the posing, it just meshes so well. There's not a really striking yellow, just adorable pastel colors and I could stare at it all day!

    Because of the accessories, her stand is sadly included in a paper baggie. However, it's not as atrocious as Beauty's.

Packaging Score: 3.5/5

    Moving on to Echo herself!

    (Not including basic pairs) Echo has 3 pairs of hands in addition to one extra hand (all on the amazing invention known as a hand stand haha), 3 expressions, the neck joint, Fuu-Chan, Gureru, and finally Enen. Branded stand, backdrop, and manual are also included.

    I'm definitely more than satisfied with her accessories. The stand for her different hands is truly a life saver as well, which I'm not sure if she was the one who started these going forward in the Precure series, but just thank god she has them.

Accessory Score: 5/5

    I do like Echo's sculpt. She looks stunning as most of the figures have at this point in time, but she just really is cute as a button. Pigtails and shoulder-straps are adjustable, which is amazing to see and allows her to be not-so hindered. Because of her being unopened when I purchased her, it's been 5 years of her joints not being posed which did lead to some stiff-ness, excluding her knees which for some reason are looser than a goose. However, I'm not sure if this is my figure or a general sculpt issue, but she does have some really noticeable shoulder deformities as well as a misshapen part of her right arm.

Pigtail joints -> Arm deformity -> Shoulder joints

  In terms of accuracy, I think Echo was pretty much nailed. The colors, the facial expressions, and the quality (excluding the potential manufacturing errors) are all spot-on.

Sculpt Score: 3/5

Articulation Score: 4/5

Accuracy Score: 5/5

Final Thoughts

    I absolutely adore her. The character was one, and is one, of my favorites because she truly was a regular girl that became a cure to save her friend. I remember way back when in 2015 I actually checked up on these figures, was curious to see how they were going, and saw Echo was being made. It's again another one of those full-circle moments that makes me really happy. After some time working with her she's definitely loosened up, and if you like Echo you definitely need to get this figure!

Overall Score: 4.1/5

Smile Precure: Cure Beauty S.H. Figuarts Review

Cure Beauty


Front -> Back -> Right -> Left -> Top

    She's beauty, she's grace, she'll shoot snow at your face. (More puns aha.) Her icy themed packaging looks great on the outside, however; due to the inclusion of her sword, her stand comes in an atrocious plastic bag. Even worse than Sunny, because it's the entire stand in one huge plastic bag.

Packaging Score: 3/5

    Figure time!

    (Not including basic pairs) Beauty has 4 pairs of hands, one being glued together for the smile pact she comes with, 3 expressions, the handy dandy neck joint, and her sword. I love how she has her sword, it's a great accessory. Her bow would have also been nice to see. While the inclusion of her sword did cause the ugly bag, I'll still give her the extra credit where it's due. Of course, stand and backdrop/manual are also included.

Accessory Score: 5/5

Beauty's overall sculpt is nice, but it does seem a I don't know how to describe it. Her face is probably the biggest part of it; I don't think she radiates the same energy she does in the show, which is really sad because Beauty is a great character. Her hair parts are pose-able, which is always great to see, and don't weigh her down whatsoever.

  Here is a closeup of the hair joint and her face.

Sculpt Score: 4/5

Articulation Score: 4/5

Accuracy Score: 4/5

Final Thoughts

    Beauty's figure is pretty standard. I wouldn't say it's amazing, but it's definitely not bad. I'm pretty sad her face isn't as elegant as her show counterpart, but she can still get some amazing poses (I really like that last pose I put her in.)

    Well this ends the main Smile cure figuarts! I'm really satisfied with them, despite their flaws. For my first series, it makes me a little giddy to see them all together on my shelf. I'm going to post Echo next, since I do consider her at least related to the Smile pack, then following her I will be starting the Yes! Precure 5 Gogo! line.

Overall Score: 4/5

Smile Precure: Cure March S.H. Figuarts Review

Cure March


Front -> Back -> Right -> Left -> Top

    As usual, amazing packaging. Sorry for the botched left side picture. I really like how dynamic March's poses are!

Packaging Score: 5/5

    Let's figure this out. (Haha bad puns.)

    (Not including basic pairs) March has 3 pairs of hands, 3 expressions, and the neck joint. Branded stand is included as well as a backdrop and manual. (Which come with all of them, but I just realized I haven't been including them.)

   Pretty lackluster accessories, I guess. Not much to note. As I said with Peace, I really wish they had given them some accessories based on their attacks; like a soccer ball for March to kick or something. I know Egret and Bloom came with shields, but they were released after so I don't think I can make that comparison. An extra face would have been nice as well..

Accessory Score: 2/5

    March's sculpt? Amazing. This is literally a top tier figuart, hands down. I always thought she looked great and now having her makes me so happy. Her bangs? Pose-able. Her ponytail? Pose-able. Now it is a bit heavy, but definitely not as much; I can't tell if it's solid or not, but it's easy to balance the weight and she has no trouble at all with getting posed.

Here you can see the up-close bang joints, as well as her beautiful face! She's really true to the show counterpart and radiates the motherly energy we love.

Sculpt Score: 5/5

Articulation Score: 4/5

Accuracy Score: 5/5

Final Thoughts

    I really love March's figure. I remember when she was first announced and I wanted her so badly, and now I do. It's kind of a sentimental full-circle moment. If you love this green cure, as you should, definitely pick this figure up!

Overall Score: 4/5